채용 공고를 보니 요즘 스타트업은 GOOGLE SQL을 많이 쓰는것같았다.
그래서 나도 GOOGEL SQL을 3월 2일에 가입했다.
하지만 GOOGLE SQL에 가입만 하고 AWS EC2서버에서 MySQL을 연습하고 4월이 되서야 GOOGEL SQL연습을 했다.
그러다 혹시나... 혹시나... AWS처럼 서버를 잡고 있기만 해도 300$이 벌써 소모됬을까? 했는데...
아니나 다를까 사용 한번 못해보고 300$ 크레딧은 날라가고 과금이 되고 있었다. 다행히 30$에서 멈췄긴 하지만 모르고 계속 썼다면 엄청나게 과금이 많이 됬을것같다.
AWS는 free tier로 1년은 아무리 써도 과금이 안되는데.. 구글 SQL은 금방 과금이 되더라.
그래서 결론은 전화 상담은 죽어도 안된다. 전화번호를 찾고 전화를 했지만 없는 번호라 뜨더라...
그래서 아래 주소로 채팅 상담을 요청했다.
Cloud Billing 지원 | 청구 | Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform 청구 및 결제입니다.
중요한건 한국말 채팅상담은 안된다는것.
IT를 하기 위해선 영어를 확실히 잘해야...
나야 10년 유학하고 한국에서 6년을 영어 입시 선생님으로 있어 문제가 없었지만... 우리 어머니나 다른 영어 울렁증있는 분들은 구글 고객 상담은 언감생신같다...
중요한건 GOOGLE SQL을 상요하시는 분들은 !! 꼭 기억하시길!!
프로젝트를 만들기만 해도 과금이 되고 1달정도면 무료 300 credit이 다 소모가 됩니다!!
꿀팁은 다시 아이디 만들어서 300 무료 크레딧을 받으시면 됩니다!!!
Status: In Progress Google Other
Subject: I chose to use free 300 credit big query sql but just got invoice to pay about 30$
Chat Started: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 16:40:06 +0800 Chat Subject: I chose to use free 300 credit big query sql but just got invoice to pay about 30$
Google Cloud Support, Van: Thank you for contacting Cloud Support. My name is Van and I'll be working with you today. While I read over your message, is there anything else you'd like to add?
Seungkyu Kim: I chose 300$ free credit to use but I got an invoice about 30$ to pay for big query I wonder why it happened Google Cloud Support, Van: Thank you for the additional information, I’ll be more than happy to check your concern in regards to charged, please stay on the line for 2-3 minutes while I check your account.
Seungkyu Kim: ok
Google Cloud Support, Van: Thank you for waiting, from what I can see yes you were provided a free credits of $300 in your account however that credits was already used up so that's why you have been billed in your card. The account was upgraded into paid account last 2021-Apr-08. If an account is upgraded automatically your card will be the one to cover for the usage of the account once the free credits gets zeroed out or expired. Moving forward, if you are still planning to use the service, please expect that it will be billed in your card. If not, I suggest is you disable the billing now in order to avoid adding up new charges. Then we can make an adjustment request for it since it means that you are unaware that it will happen so that we can refund the charges.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Please follow the procedure on how to disable the billing. 1. Sign in to the Google Cloud Console. 2. Open the console Navigation (menu), and then select Billing. 3. In the Billing navigation menu, click Account management. 4. Under Projects linked to this billing account, locate the name of the project that you want to disable billing for, and then click the menu next to it. 5. Select Disable billing. You are prompted to confirm that you want to disable billing for this project. 6. Click DISABLE BILLING. For full reference please visit this link : https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/modify-project#to_disable_billing_for_a_project
Seungkyu Kim: Thank you for reply. 1. First thing I wonder is I just got started Big Query and I havn't used that much. When did I used up all 300$ credit? 2. Second question is how can I disable my account? (answered by your reference) 3. Last thing is what is the procedure I have to follow in order to get refund?
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes for the usage of BQ, you can check it on your billing reports page. Go to Billing > Reports > On the right side, there's a filter section look for Group by select "SKU".
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes on how to get a refund, please disable the billing first.
Google Cloud Support, Van: So that we can avoid adding up new usage.
Google Cloud Support, Van: How was it?
Seungkyu Kim: I just checked the amount usage. And just about to get in to the step of disabling the account. I have one question. In a cost report, the graphs shows that I have used BIG QUERY since March. What I do know is I signed up in March. BUt what I do not understand is I have never used BIG Query in March. So here is my question. Is the 300 free credit used up automatically even though I haven't used after a month? And get charged after then?
Seungkyu Kim: Last statement is vague. What I mean is Is the 300 free credit consumed since the day I registered even though I have not used BigQuery?
Google Cloud Support, Van: Let me correct it's Cloud SQL not Big Query.
Seungkyu Kim: My mistake
Google Cloud Support, Van: Please refer to this link to see on how Cloud SQL pricing works : https://cloud.google.com/sql/pricing/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=japac-PH-all-en-dr-skws-all-all-trial-e-dr-1009882&utm_content=text-ad-none-none-DEV_c-CRE_502188640255-ADGP_Hybrid%20%7C%20SKWS%20-%20EXA%20%7C%20Txt%20~%20Databases%20~%20Cloud%20SQL_Pricing-KWID_43700061615754805-kwd-343565572074&userloc_9060947-network_g&utm_term=KW_cloud%20sql%20pricing&gclid=Cj0KCQjw38-DBhDpARIsADJ3kjlHy4KfHMXobYXDVumlwNtSziKMaA7gPpfrQm5iDQMvKZtPXpULdnYaAmTHEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Google Cloud Support, Van: And yes as long as the resources is attached to your account it will still consumed a usage.
Google Cloud Support, Van: So that's why I offered an adjustment earlier since it seems that you are unaware that it will happen in your account.
Seungkyu Kim: Now everything is clear I will proceed disabling steps now give me a second please
Google Cloud Support, Van: Sure, take your time.
Seungkyu Kim: I just disabled two accounts. Did it go well?
Google Cloud Support, Van: Great!
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes they are already disabled.
Google Cloud Support, Van: What I will be doing is wait for the final usage to be posted within 48 hours. Once it posted, I will make a one time adjustment request to our internal team in order to reverse/waive the charges. Please note that this is still subject for approval, I'll monitor the status of our request and provide an update within 3-5 days. Keep this case ID _____________for reference.
Seungkyu Kim: All right. So you will reach me within 3-5days regarding refund right? But how are you going to reach me? By an email?
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes by email.
Google Cloud Support, Van: I will be the one to email you using esupport@google.com
Seungkyu Kim: One more question regarding GOOGLE SQL. Is there a way I can hold the account while I am not using it? Google Cloud Support, Van: For that one, disabling the billing means that there will be no usage that will occur in your account. Google Cloud Support, Van: It means that all services will stop.
Seungkyu Kim: I mean if I create a new account. I am practicing SQL for getting a job so I need to practice it but do not have enough money to cover the fee. That is why I am asking a way that I can hold an account while I am not using it if I create a new account.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Oh I see, yes you can create a new account then attach your project to it.
Seungkyu Kim: I am planning to get a new google id and get free 300 credit to practice SQL. Is there a way I can hold the account while I am not using GOOGLE SQL? I do not want to get charged again.
Google Cloud Support, Van: You mean reactivate it?
Seungkyu Kim: Nope. I don't want to reactive the one I just disabled. I already used up all the 300 credit. What I meant is with a new google account, I will be able to get another free 300 credit right? I would like to start practicing SQL with the new google account. I want to know if there is a way that I can hold SQL usage while I am not using it. You say that I will be charged as long as the SQL account is activated so I want to avoid activating the SQL account while I am not using it.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Alright, thank you for the explanation.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes you can do that.
Google Cloud Support, Van: You can follow the procedure here : https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/docs/enable-disable
Seungkyu Kim: all right I will help myself to go through the link. thank you for your help. I will no longer to get charged and get refund right?
Google Cloud Support, Van: Yes that's right.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Please expect an update within 3-5 days.
Seungkyu Kim: understood. thank you sincerely.
Google Cloud Support, Van: Thank you, Just a quick recap of what we've talked about today, we were able to discuss your concern about unwanted charges and refund. Thanks for chatting with Google Cloud Platform Billing Support! There’s a short survey coming up and we’d love to hear your feedback about our interaction today and on how easy I provided a good support to you. Have a great day, I wish you and your family to please stay safe!
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